Sunday, May 20, 2012

Getting There

I set up a Regular course this morning while it was still relatively cool.

I found it rather odd that there was a 15-pt bonus line on this course since once you move up beyond the 40-foot line, the A-frame impedes your ability to move from one side of the course to the other.  So I chose to try this one from the 20-pt line, and I was pleased with how well Belle and I did.

I made two mistakes.  First, I said tunnel as Belle was taking #3.  Well, duh, the tunnel under the A-frame was a lot more obvious to her than the one under the dog walk.  Second, I failed to give Belle a directional command as she exited the tunnel under the A-frame.  I realized the difficulty of getting from the tunnel to jump #10, but I had hoped that saying her name as she exited, coupled with my position at about (22,62) would be sufficient to achieve the turn in the correct direction.  WRONG.  Even on our second attempt, Belle paused momentarily facing left before turning to take the correct jump.

I think I also crossed the 20-pt line while Belle was doing the 14-18 sequence.  But I didn't cross it by much, and if there had been a line on the ground, I think I would have been able to stay on my side of it.


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