Thursday, February 14, 2013

Running Contacts - Session 8

Much to my surprise, there was no nasty white stuff on the ground this morning despite the weather forecast.  Today's success rate was better than yesterday, 41% vs. 20%.  However, I still asked for too many reps with too many "failures."

I came up with a short list of rules to guide me in future sessions:

1.  Follow Patti Mah's rule of avoiding the third strike.  If Belle misses twice in a row, decrease the distance to make it more likely she will hit in the yellow.

2.  Don't increase distance until Belle is successful three times in a row.  And only increase it by 6-12 inches.

3Place ten treats in my pocket.  If Belle is hitting the yellow every time, use all 10.  If she is missing quite a bit, quit after dispensing 5 or 6 of them.

This afternoon, we went out and did 6 reps with Belle starting on the board, and 5 of them were successful.

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